Jason Free

Jason Free is a General Surgeon who has specialised in Bariatric surgery and Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery. Dr Free has obtained bariatric surgical training in Australia and overseas, dealing specifically with revisional bariatric surgery. As part of his training he has spent time in surgical weight loss centres in Australia and overseas including Vienna, London, and Salt Lake City USA. He trained as part of the accredited fellowship training program in the Obesity Surgical Society of Australia & New Zealand of which he is a member. Dr Free’s interest over the last 2 years has involved introduction into Australia the Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileostomy (SADI) procedure. As part of this he spends several weeks each year working with and collaborating with his surgical colleagues in USA. He is involved currently in active recruitment of patients into a multicentre worldwide study looking at the short and medium term safety profile of the SADI procedure. Dr Free has also trained heavily in Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary surgery and has spent 2 years full time as a surgeon in units specialising in pancreatic and liver cancer surgery. He has trained as part of the Australian & New Zealand Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association's training program.

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